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BAKA 馬鹿 Foil Art Print - Signed

The art print will be signed for you.

Don't be a sussy baka, get yourself a BAKA 馬鹿 Foil Art Print immediately.

This premium quality art print has red foil additions that shine as they catch the light. Featuring the artwork from the BAKA 馬鹿 single and signed by Shao Dow himself just for you.

You'd be foolish not to put it a nice frame...

Actually, we don't want to keep thinking of ways to call you stupid, you're pretty smart to be honest, that's why you're here right now.

So... get an art print, you genius!

Check Out The BAKA 馬鹿 Single


- 29.7cm x 29.7cm

-Digitally printed with red foil additions

- Illustrated by Dimas Raviandra