The Hokage is THE GREATEST of all the Ninja and this is the greatest of Ninja Deals!
Ok, to be honest, this offer is RIDICULOUS.
We really shouldn't be giving this to you.
BUT we like you, you're a good kid, you've got moxie.
So! If you want all three of Shao Dow's albums, his mixtape AND Volume 1 of his manga book in one shot.
Then get this deal and become Hokage.
Believe It!
Get a signed copy of シャオ道。The Way of Shao Volume 1 Manga Book, a signed CD of シャオ道。The Way of Shao album, a signed CD of Kung Fu Hustler his second album, a signed copy of his first album Cut The BullSpit album AND a digital download of the That's MR ShaoDow To You mixtape - Shao's first mixtape.
All for a VERY discounted price.
Available as either a paperback book, 3 physical CDs AND an MP3 download or a paperback book and MP3 downloads.
If you have selected the CDs. The book and the three albums will be signed with your name of choice and sent to you. You also will receive the mixtape as a download link sent to your chosen email address along with the three albums.
If you have selected the MP3 downloads. The book will be signed and posted for you and a music download link will be sent to your chosen email address.
Release date: May. 15, 2018
Label : DiY Gang Entertainment
Type : Perfect Bound Paperback Book
Book length: 120 Pages
Release date : Nov. 4, 2016
Label : DiY Gang Entertainment
Release date : Oct. 21, 2013
Label : DiY Gang Entertainment
Release date : Aug. 19, 2012
Label : DiY Gang Entertainment
Release date : Jun. 03, 2009
Label : DiY Gang Entertainment
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