Whilst using this website, we may collect limited personal information about you in particular for the purpose of fulfilling your order.
This will be -
Name, Billing Address, Postal Address, Email Address, Order Details.
Please note, bank and payment details are never kept or recorded, all sales are handled securely by Paypal or Stripe and we have no access to the data.
If you opt in to receiving further information via newsletter email, we may use your name, address and general city location in order to help properly target emails.
You will be contacted by this store in particular for the purpose of order confirmation and updates as well as information regarding the dispatch of your order.
You may request the removal of your information from this website and/or the fan mailing list at any time.
Simply get in contact at: Shao(at)DiYGang.co.uk
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The site is provided to you on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. Any arrangement between you and a third party is at your sole risk and responsibility.
The copyright, trade marks, domain names and other intellectual property rights in all material and information on www.DiYGang.co.uk belongs to Shao Dow – DiY Gang Entertainment or (it has been licensed to Shao Dow – DiY Gang Entertainment) by the relevant licensor.
Content may be copied from www.DiYGang.co.uk and used on other websites provided this website is acknowledged and a link to this website is provided as part of the article.
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www.DiYGang.co.uk owns the copyright in all photographs taken by employees and volunteers. However, photographs taken by freelance photographers who have been specifically commissioned to work as a freelance photographer retain the copyright of these images. They are published here with their permission for this websites promotional use only and may not be used without the original copyright owner’s permission.
Shao Dow – DiY Gang Entertainment owns the copyright to all music and lyrics displayed on this site unless otherwise stated. Any unauthorised use, copying, adapting or sale is strictly prohibited, whether it be for commercial or consumer use.
If you do download or print off copies of content you must retain any copyright or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material.
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Whilst Shao Dow – DiY Gang Entertainment will use reasonable discretion to ensure that all material found on this website is accurate and up to date this cannot be guaranteed to users/readers. Shao Dow – DiY Gang Entertainment will accept no liability or obligation (whether at law or otherwise) for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this website, for any loss or damage suffered by any person, company or other organisation from any reliance placed upon the information found on this website.
Pages on www.DiYGang.co.uk that acknowledge a specific author do not necessarily represent the views of Shao Dow – DiY Gang Entertainment but are presented as the opinion of that author. Shao Dow has no responsibility for the contents of such articles.
Please note we accept all types of credit and debit cards through our main gateway on the site and also through Paypal.
Information/Web Contact: Shao(at)DiYGang.co.uk
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